Whats New at WOPLAH
Over the past few months, WOPLAH has started various new projects including the implementation of a Rabbit Rearing program, as well maintained projects including condom distribution for World Condom Day, various community health programs, and mosiquito management for Malaria.

WOPLAH recently started the first Rabbit Rearing Program, which allows a heightened community engagement for the youth working on the project as well as a valuable source of income for the rabbit meat once they hae been bread and matured. This project further ties into WOPLAH’s goal of a circular farming model in which all products are reused and reporsed to eliminate waste and increase productivity levels of the farm. The rabbit feces will be used for garden ferilizer, which is one of the best natural fertilizers, and the primary diet of the rabbits will be garden vegetable biproducts that aren’t consumed by humans - in this way WOPLAH works to eliminate waste from the farm.

On February 13, WOPLAH celebrated World Condom Day with the message to “Stop HIV, end discrimbination, and keep the promise for equality, safe sex, and sexual liberity”. WOPLAH distributed thousands of condoms to people across Kakamega county to Community Health Promotors (CHP’s), health centers, and majority of their support groups.

Dispite the funding pull from USAID (used to sustain education programs, ARV/ART treatments at clinics, and keeping clinics staffed) as a result of the recent United States Presidential Election, WOPLAH has continued to support and sutain of their initiatives, thanks to the help of generous donors! In addition to maintain their numerous initiatives WOPLAH has recently distributed over fifty chicks to their support groups, increased the number of goat rearing initiatives, has recently harvested their aquaponic greens and various other greens from the garden. If you have the capacity to donate to help sustain WOPLAH’s projects, please contribute using the following link: https://gofund.me/4504e9d7.
Asante Sana!