Village Banking Project
One of WOPLAH's current initiatives is the Village Banking Project, which strives to provide a loaning system among communities. This enables them to do things they otherwise may not be able to afford.

Goat and Poultry Projects
The goat and poultry projects are both income-generating and nutrition-boosting projects. They are continually becoming more sustainable and less costly.

Kitchen Gardens Project
Kitchen gardens are run by self-sustaining support groups and individuals. They are a source of income, a source of nutrition, and a source of food security for the people who manage them.

Jiggers Campaign
Through the Jiggers campaign WOPLAH and the Community Health Volunteers are providing monthly treatment to vulnerable communities, as well as education about prevention techniques

Community Health Dialogues
Community Health Dialogues provide a monthly forum for community members to discuss health issues prevalent in their communities, and come up with feasible actions (solutions) that can be undertaken to mitigate the problems, as well as encourage linkages to medical service providers

Key Populations
The Key Populations program aims to support LGBTQ+ identifying individuals through economical empowerment, education on risk reducing behavior and safer sexual behavior, stigma and guilt reduction, and increased agency for health seeking behavior.