WOPLAH's Financial and Technical Support

Mumias Department of Security
WOPLAH works with the local administration on human rights issues. Specifically, WOPLAH works with gender based violence and children’s rights, and refers people to local administration when rights are violated. The local administration also strengthens WOPLAH’s services at the community level by assisting the Ambassadors of Hope in finding communities in need in the area and helping to initiate contact with the village elders.

Mumias Sugar Company
The Mumias Sugar Company provides technical support including trainings on human rights and gender based violence. They also mobilize HIV testing and counseling, support HIV outreach campaigns, provide office space for the Ambassadors of Hope, and facilitate a peer educator stipend for 56 peer educators. The Mumias Sugar Company often provides a vehicle for WOPLAH’s campaigns specifically directed at rural farmers who have no access to such information.

Ministry of Health
WOPLAH receives strictly technical support from the Kenyan Ministry of Health. They receive information about community health worker training, and strengthening the community health units utilitizing community focal persons who know how to facilitate community health committees. They also receive the latest information on HIV related issues from the ministry of health.

Colorado College Public and Global Health Club
GlobeMed at Colorado College provides financial support for specific projects every year. They also provide yearly interns who spend 6-8 weeks with WOPLAH assisting them with monitoring and evaluation of current projects as well as providing technical and informational support. GlobeMed at Colorado College also provides collaboration platforms with other GlobeMed partner organizations.

USAID equips WOPLAH with trainings on HIV/AIDS related issues including prevention with positives, training mother to child prevention, biosafety, and psychosocial support meetings at the health facility. USAID also provides WOPLAH with education and communication materials. They currently supply the ARVs for all of the people in Western Kenya living positively with HIV.
WOPLAH is an Omprakash Partner organization. Omprakash Partners use their platform to recruit volunteers and interns, raise funds, and connect with each other, while individuals use the platform to find international volunteer and internship opportunities, raise funds, and receive accredited online training and mentorship. Through the EdGE program, they help universities, schools, and nonprofits reimagine and reinvent their global social impact efforts in ways that disrupt paternalism and inequality and strive for more radical learning and social change. This process helps Partners amplify their impact, and it empowers everyone involved to become more critically conscious participants in processes of social transformation. Their bold vision is to reinvent 'global learning' to make it more affordable, more ethical, and more impactful.