Mushroom Farming
Mushroom farming is one of WOPLAH's newest projects. WOPLAH is excited to announce that at the main headquarters, they have built a shed for mushroom farming. WOPLAH farmers have successfully used the structure for one season. They successfully sold the mushrooms that they grew promoting economic empowerment and sustainable farming practices. WOPLAH is eager to continue growing the reach of this important farming and economic empowerment project.
Early Success
So far, WOPLAH has successfully built one mushroom shed and invested in blankets to support longevity of this project. Recently WOPLAH team members harvested the first round of oyster mushrooms. They were then sold to the community members and the income generated was used to support paying off school fees for 14 orphans and children impacted by HIV/AIDS. The kitchen garden and mushroom farm utilize sustainable farming practices including using animal waste to help create fertilizer. All water from the projects use water from a nearby spring.

Future Directions
WOPLAH's first season of mushroom cultivation was very successful. But currently WOPLAH lacks the necessary funds to invest in future seasons. Currently they are working to forge partnerships and fundraise for the future of this project. After securing funding and continuing the farm at the main headquarters WOPLAH hopes to expand this project to support groups in the community. This will help community members raise money to afford life saving medications and education for their families. In addition, this project supports nutrition goals in helping PLHIV access a healthy and well balanced diet.